Receives Local Press, When Most E-Commerce Companies Go Virtually Unnoticed By Real World Neighbors

On December 31st, 2009 ,Asheville NC’s newspaper,¬†Asheville Citizen Times, ran a story on President, Matthew Ledford, and his recent goodwill mission¬†to Nicaragua:


“Asheville businessman joins Nicaragua mission

ASHEVILLE — Matthew Ledford, president of the Asheville-based e-commerce company, traveled to Nicaragua this month with a Christian mission group.

Ledford joined other volunteers with Vision Nicaragua, a multidenominational nonprofit, for the journey. ‚ÄúWe went to over half a dozen locations and gave out over 500 gifts,‚Äù Ledford said on the blog page at The group also advised on microcommerce projects…”

Many companies specializing in e-commerce never venture beyond the walls of their virtual dimensions. In fact, too often a local community may never even know e-commerce companies exist within the borders of their own city limits. It is easy to see how that perception could be formed, especially when many prominent e-commerce companies erect the majority of their banners online and convene on projects in a virtual office from anywhere in the world.’s home office is located in Asheville NC, but¬†staff (custom yahoo store development experts, project managers, fast pivot software developers, RTML programmers etc.) often make their residences all over the USA and beyond. is, after all, able to break the boundaries of a traditional brick and mortar business¬†via¬†a strong¬†horizontal organizational business model and through the prowess of online applications that make¬†regular¬†conferencing,¬†open office space live dialog, and project information storage/retrieval easy.

However integrated operations are online, this company stays involved in the “real world” community, as the previously posted excerpt suggests.

Too often, online operators forget those existing outside of “the box” but it’s especially crucial to remember that it’s many of those¬†very people that will become clients one day. And, even if outreach can’t be justified through¬†forward thinking¬†business practices, it just makes good sense to help make the world a better place through any act of kindness we can muster.

The world is, after all going online, bringing the¬†Earth’s population closer together than ever before. Why not get a head start on making friends now, for a harmonious¬†global community later.

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